November 22, 2010

Cole Feels Better

Ok, so I survived Cole's first ear infection. He seems so much better today. He's had a fever since Thursday. I was beginning to think that it would never go away! While he was sick, he didn't want me to put him down and he whined for hours at a time. It really broke my heart; although, I did enjoy the cuddle time.

October 24, 2010

The Pumpkin Party

Joey and I love sharing all the fun things about fall with our family and friends. Here are our top 10 memories from this year's Pumpkin Party (in no particular order):

1- The weather was perfect. There were even red and yellow leaves falling to the ground.

2- The game, "Walk the Plank," with the spiders and web turned out to be scarier than intended. That fake spider web was really sticky. Poor Bug had to find out the hard way.

3- Mom and JP bobbing for apples. So funny!

4- Victoria's pumpkin won "Best In Show." Her reaction to winning the prize was priceless!

5- Megan and Matthew showed absolutely no fear in the "Fear Factor." They're growing up too fast. Uncle Joey and I had better step it up a notch when it comes to the spooky activities.

6- Oh, the costumes! We had a witch, spooky fairy, werewolf, scarecrow, ninja, astronaut, Dorothy (from The Wizard of Oz) and two bananas (and a were-witch at some point).

7- The pinata was no match for Matthew, as usual.

8- We ate "cookie monsters."

9- I think we all remembered our cameras this time. Speaking of which, send me your pics please!

10- Joey and I were very excited about hosting the party with Cole for the first time. Although, the funny thing is, we were so busy we barely got to see him. Good thing we had lots of hands to help us out with our little scarecrow.

BTW- If you're looking for Cole's new picture with the monkey, I'm posting it in The Lance Family Web Album link.

October 2, 2010

Cole at 2 Months, Finally...

Okay, so I'm about 2 weeks late posting this, but here's a picture of Cole at 2 months old with his monkey. He rarely enjoys lying flat on his back, so I had to pose him propped up against the monkey. I wonder if he will let me take pictures like this when he's a teenager?

September 26, 2010

F&L Chili

We celebrated 5 years this year at the Chili Cookoff and took home 2nd place in Brunswick Stew! The F&L Chili family is really growing. Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us!

September 8, 2010

Mean Mugging It

Jackie took this picture while I was holding Cole just last week. As you can see, he's aiming that face at me! I catch myself saying, "Don't you look at me in that tone of voice, Cole Robert!" all the time. Is this mean mug a preview of what's to come?

August 24, 2010

Growing Like a Weed!

It's hard to believe that Cole is already over a month old. You can really see how much he's grown here compared to his 1 week picture with the monkey. I hope to keep taking his picture with this monkey each month so I can see how big he's getting. The monkey is kind of special because it's the first toy Joey and I ever bought for him; Joey picked it out. I added some more pictures to our family online album (the link is on the right).

August 1, 2010


Cole Robert Lance arrived Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 9:38 PM. He was delivered via C-section after 25 hours of labor (I never progressed beyond 2cm). Joey was able to be in the operating room, and he was the first to hold him. We spent Monday night (the 19th) through Friday afternoon at the hospital. This is a picture of Cole at 1 week old.
Wednesday night we were told that Cole had to go to the NICU because he had pneumothorax which is basically a condition where there is a pocket of air in a part of the lungs where there shouldn't be air. Joey and I were very upset seeing our little baby hooked up to all those monitors, but we were very lucky because he only had to be there for one night. He was breathing normally by the next morning; the pneumothorax was minor and cleared up on its own. The next day, Thursday, was a little rough for us all. Cole came back a bit stressed out; he was no longer breast feeding as he had been the day before. So, Joey and I decided not to have visitors Thursday. We felt a strong need to reconnect with him. A really sweet lactation consultant came to our room and helped us all get back on track.
This whole experience has been amazing. Joey and I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by such loving people. We're quickly learning just how much we need the help, love, and guidance of our family and friends. Looking back on these past few weeks I don't know what I would have done without the support we have received from so many loved ones.

July 2, 2010

Gramps Comes for a Visit

My dad came to visit us this week so he could see my belly bump and the nursery. I really enjoyed showing off all the baby stuff and spending some time with him before the baby arrives. He took this picture of me showing off one of the Cardinals outfits he bought for Cole. Wow, my belly looks huge!

June 27, 2010

Doggy Day

Alex and Hunny had a fun day at Fort Yargo. For the first time ever Alex pooped out before Hunny did. He spent a great deal of time on the shore watching her fetch the balls. Hmmm... could he actually be feeling his age and slowing down a bit?

June 21, 2010

Slow Summer Days

Okay, I'm getting really anxious for Cole's arrival. This has got to be the slowest, hottest summer ever! I really shouldn't complain, though. I have had a great time hanging out at the pool with my friends and family. I've been super lazy. I take a nap every afternoon (I know, I know... enjoy them while I can, right?) I can't imagine what it would be like to have to work up until my due date.
Today, at my 37 week checkup, my doctor said, "The turkey's done; he's just fattening up and staying warm in the oven." He didn't have much else to say except that Cole's heartbeat was 132 bpm and that "everything looks great." It's so good to hear those words.

June 1, 2010

So Happy to be Blue

Joey finished painting, and now the room looks complete. I love it! There are so many special pieces in Cole's room: Mamaw and Papaw purchased the rocker, Grandma Pat made the blanket on the rocker, Dad and Jeri purchased the dresser, my mom got the giraffe for Joey for Christmas (this was the first item we ever got for the baby), and Joey's parents purchased the changing table. The room is also filled with so many gifts from our friends and family. I don't know what we would do without so much support. It has all come together thanks to everyone's love and generosity.

May 29, 2010

Feeling the Love

I had a good time today sorting through all Cole's goodies from my baby showers. It took me over three hours to organize things! I'm overwhelmed by how loving and giving my friends and family are. I appreciate everything.

Joey, on the other hand, wasn't having nearly as much fun as I was. He finally began painting the room today. Doesn't he look thrilled?

May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bug!

Saturday was such a fun day! I don't think Hailey will ever forget her 5th birthday.

April 24, 2010

Nursery Progress

Joey and I had a chance to work on Cole's room a little bit today. It's starting to really come together. Now, all that's left is the paint and a dresser.

Every night before bed, Joey and I sit in his room and talk (or sometimes we just stare at everything). It's still hard for us to believe that there's a real baby crib in our house!
(By the way, this is a picture of my bump at 28 weeks)

April 16, 2010

Baby Shower

Brandy and Teri hosted a beautiful baby shower for my sweet Cole! Now, I feel so much more prepared for his arrival. I have spent every afternoon since Sunday rocking in my new rocking chair, looking at all the baby stuff, and daydreaming about what it's going to be like to be a mom. Joey and I both are excited and extremely nervous! For eight years it's just been us and the dogs. I know our lives will never be the same, but we're ready for the challenge!

March 29, 2010

A Real Princess

I took a much needed girly field trip over the weekend to the Princess Diana exhibit. I can't believe it's been almost 13 years since she passed away. It doesn't seem that long ago.

I was surprised by a few things I learned on that trip. For example, I didn't know that Prince Charles' proposal was so, well, boring. I figured she'd have a grand story to tell. I mean, she's a princess for goodness sake! Shamefully, I must admit that I've spent 8 years wishing that Joey and I had some elaborate engagement story to tell instead of our true story (Joey simply asked me to marry him, I said yes, and we went to the jewelry store to pick out a ring). I've always been jealous of the girls who received surprise proposals... on top of the empire state building... video recorded for future generations to witness... with the man proclaiming his undying love to the entire world... Now I just feel stupid (and way out of touch with reality).

Furthermore, did you know that her gorgeous wedding gown and all of the bridesmaid's dresses combined only cost $1,900? REALLY? Yeah, yeah, I know that was in the 80s, but come on, still, even with inflation, that's nothing compared to what I thought the cost would have been.

Reality really slapped me in the face at the end of the exhibit. There was a huge, I'm talking like 20 feet or so wide, bookshelf containing hundreds of books of condolences written just for the princess. It left me wondering, if I died today, would anyone have any reason to even write one of those books for me? What have I done to deserve the title, "Princess," as Joey often lovingly calls me?

February 12, 2010

It's a Boy!

What a day! Looking back, Joey and I realized that it always rains on our most memorable days together... our wedding day, the day we bought our house, every big moving day... and on our biggest day yet, today, it snowed! We were thrilled to find out today that we're having a boy.

January 18, 2010

We Just Want To Tell The World!

As of today, I am 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant! This is the best picture of Baby Lance that we've gotten so far; it was taken 3 days ago. The due date has been changed about 4 times, but the latest is set for July 15th. Joey and I get to go back to the doctor for another ultrasound February 12th, and he assured us that we should be able to find out whether we're having a boy or a girl. Joey jokingly hopes for a boy because he says having a boy will save us a lot of money, but the truth is we don't really care either way as long as we have a healthy baby.

My pregnancy so far has been the most amazing experience of my life. Sure, I've had the nausea but it's not been as bad as what I hear some pregnant women go through. I think I may be through the worst of it. My nose has been my most irritating problem; I'm super sensitive to even the slightest odor (actually, smells are often what trigger my nausea). Right now, I'm focused on every little thing I feel in my belly. I don't think I've felt the baby move yet, but I know it's coming soon.