January 18, 2010

We Just Want To Tell The World!

As of today, I am 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant! This is the best picture of Baby Lance that we've gotten so far; it was taken 3 days ago. The due date has been changed about 4 times, but the latest is set for July 15th. Joey and I get to go back to the doctor for another ultrasound February 12th, and he assured us that we should be able to find out whether we're having a boy or a girl. Joey jokingly hopes for a boy because he says having a boy will save us a lot of money, but the truth is we don't really care either way as long as we have a healthy baby.

My pregnancy so far has been the most amazing experience of my life. Sure, I've had the nausea but it's not been as bad as what I hear some pregnant women go through. I think I may be through the worst of it. My nose has been my most irritating problem; I'm super sensitive to even the slightest odor (actually, smells are often what trigger my nausea). Right now, I'm focused on every little thing I feel in my belly. I don't think I've felt the baby move yet, but I know it's coming soon.